søndag den 15. juli 2012

Marialai and Lila

We are getting settled into life in America and have spent the last month mainly visiting family and eating :) When I was too full to eat delicious Afghan food and Alia was asleep, I made Marialai and Lila for two lovely girls. The red tutu dress is unfortunately not my creation but the pink dress is.  I also tried to make a sweater for Waldorf dolls that I found online. The fit is a little too bulky for my liking so I think I am going back to  following newborn knitting recipes.

Alia and I are stuck in the house most of the day as I do not have a drivers license but I am trying to go out a few times a week to a local knitting workshop where I am learning to crochet again. I am doing lots of projects and I cant wait to share them.

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