torsdag den 3. maj 2012

Waldorf doll

                                                                              My niece likes to share her breakfast with Rose (doll)

When I was 9 months pregnant I went to a doll making course to pass the time before my due date. I had been following smilerynker for a while and when I saw she was offering classes I jumped at the chance. I intend to give the doll I made to my daughter when she is much older but I also managed to make a doll during the holidays for my niece, again to pass the time. It is such a lovely feeling seeing something you have made with love being played with, and making a Steiner/Waldorf doll truely is a labour of love. It takes me at least 2 days to make one, even if I work intensely. Most of the work can only be done by hand and it takes time making the clothes as well, though they can be dressed in a size 56 (newborn). I am hoping to make another one in the next month for another niece, if Alia will allow me to do so :)

2 kommentarer:

Shannon Staloch, LM, CPM sagde ...

subhanallah, we are sisters indeed. i am just sitting down to finish a waldorf doll for my daughter!! it's my first and i'm nervous. i wish i had a class. the head is done now on to the body. your doll is masha'allah really beautiful. i will try to send pics of mine when it's done. make du'a!!

littlelake sagde ...

SubhanAllah what a nice coincidence :) Very impressive making one on your own. Do you have a book or something else to follow? I have made a few now and am happy to help if you get stuck though I am sure you will do just fine inshAllah.

The best thing for me when making the doll is the smell of the wool for stuffing :)